Megan Mauro: Washington State Assistant Principal of the Year
“The Biggest Cheerleader We Have”
LaVenture Middle’s Megan Mauro is an Advocate for All
Evaluation Criteria: Creating a Culture; Ensuring School Safety; Planning with Data; Aligning Curriculum; Improving Instruction; Managing Resources; Engaging Families & Communities; Closing the Gap
The “advocate for everyone” is now known across the entire state of Washington — and nationally.
And if you meet Megan Mauro, or observe her at school, you’ll know exactly why. Megan Mauro, assistant principal at LaVenture Middle School in the Mount Vernon School District, is this year’s Washington State Assistant Principal of the Year. Student or staff. Teacher or administrator, Megan is constantly thinking about the needs of her entire school, and how she can help every student and staff member. LaVenture principal Dave Riddle says it doesn’t matter who it is, Megan is pulling for them to succeed — even if a student takes a detour to her office. “[Megan] is an advocate for students all of the time. She’s incredibly positive, even when kids do things they shouldn’t do and do them repeatedly,” he said. “She’s their biggest advocate and biggest fan.”
There’s nothing she can’t do or doesn’t have the energy to do. She thinks about everybody before she thinks about herself. She’s always thinking about every kid and every kid’s needs.
Described as a visionary leader who “walks the walk” and turns vision into action, Mauro focuses on social justice and raises the bar for students and staff alike, all with a positive attitude. A master of eliciting student voice, Mauro pushes all students to be challenged and has a passion for supporting the underdogs. “Megan is unique because she is a rare combination of deep professional knowledge, superb interpersonal skills, and boundless energy. She makes our school a warm, welcoming, and productive place,” added Riddle. “Our school culture is very much one where distributed leadership is valued, and Megan actively empowers both adults and students in leadership roles. Megan believes in the leadership potential of every child.” “Megan is an amazing assistant principal because she cares about everyone,” said special education/resource teacher Dalrae Danilson. “There’s nothing she can’t do or doesn’t have the energy to do. She thinks about everybody before she thinks about herself. She’s always thinking about every kid and every kid’s needs.” One of Mauro’s many strengths is her ability to harness data to guide decision-making. Her gift is using data to identify the gaps and needs that make real differences in the students’ lives when properly addressed. Early in the pandemic, she threw her energy into making sure all students had what they needed to be healthy and well-fed, as well as the access needed to be successful in remote learning. She championed the cause of those students most in need of in-person instruction, and as a result, LaVenture offered robust in-person programs throughout the 2020-21 school year. “We had a huge amount of kids on campus when everyone else was learning at home, and she created this learning matrix of kids that were the furthest away from educational justice,” said Danilson. LaVenture’s students come from diverse neighborhoods, help grow and harvest food that feeds the state and the country, speak multiple languages, and have incredible familial and cultural assets. Mauro and the leadership team support their students' preparation for a globally competitive society by providing access to engaging and challenging curricular programs, including dual language, AVID, highly capable, and an inclusive Life Skills program. Mauro’s daily goal is to empower their staff to lean into opportunities to grow together, and to draw on their collective creativity and strength to make positive changes for their students.
“I think Megan’s biggest impact is hope,”said Bonnie Schuh, a science teacher and AVID site coordinator at LaVenture.
”We were pretty discouraged when we came back from the pandemic and Megan is the biggest cheerleader we have.”
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Association of Washington School Principals
Washington Principal | Volume 3 – 2021-22