Association of Washington School Principals
Volume 1 – 2020-21
“Silver Linings”
This October, we asked our members on Facebook, "In the midst of this pandemic year, what has been your 'silver lining' — a positive that has come out of the challenges created by COVID-19?" Here are some of the amazing answers we received:
“One of the silver linings I have found is the hidden leaders within our building. The staff members who have stepped up and shared their expertise. The staff who have taken on learning new technologies. I’m consistently blown away by what our teachers are willing to do for each other, our students and our community!”
Jennifer Norman
Assistant Principal, Lewis & Clark Middle, Yakima PS“Watching how my teachers step up to work with our families, getting things to them by dropping off items at their homes (no contact) or preparing 'drive by' pick-ups at school, and short iPad coaching sessions just to make sure students/parents are getting connected. I am also hearing how because of Zoom, teachers have a better understanding of who their students are because they see them in their environment. There are often family members attending Zooms, watching or assisting — which has been eye opening for them to see how hard my teachers work! Lastly, my own silver lining: home workouts! I am finally getting in shape again since last May as I set some goals for myself!”
Kay Gallo
Principal, Naches Trail Elementary, Bethel SD“A silver lining that I witness each day is our PLCs leaning on each other and sharing the massive workload by designing engaging lessons and collaborating daily about kids’ and families’ needs.”
Stuart Anderson
Principal, Orchards Elementary, Evergreen PS“We started the year distance learning and are now hybrid. Teachers kept throwing up barriers with questions about how specific situations would be handled as we navigated plans for our hybrid model. More barriers kept coming up until students actually started. The silver linings: Smooth transition because fears were addressed, students showed up, and teaching was semi-normal again! Partnerships with families are stronger!”
Linn Ames
Principal, Weyerhaeuser Elementary, Eatonville SD“The silver lining has been in the way our families and teachers have become partners in their work, rowing together in a way that will lead to more trust, stronger relationships and better outcomes for our learners. What has also been positive is the renewed focus on caring for each other and evaluating our practices for the purpose of removing barriers to access for our families. MPHS loves our families!”
Christine Bromley
Principal, Marysville Pilchuck High, Marysville SD“I love this question! I am always looking for the silver lining! In Freeman, we have embraced the opportunity to truly look at our levels of intervention and support. We are seeing that students and families all have different needs and we as the educators that work with them can take the time to truly identify next level supports. This time has also allowed us to dig deep into our instructional practice and take risks trying some new and innovative things! I often ask our teachers, what’s one thing you have done during this time that you will take with you back to the 'new normal?'”
Renee Bailey
Principal, Freeman High School, Freeman SDFind us on
Association of Washington School Principals
Washington Principal | Volume 1 – 2020-21