Association of Washington School Principals
Volume 3 – 2020-21
Inclusionary Practices Project
The Data Literate Inclusionary Leader
In this original AWSP series, the Data Literate School Leader, we maintain that Data Literacy builds collective efficacy amongst all stakeholders.
This self-guided professional development series zeroed in on a subgroup of learners who are generally the farthest from educational justice: Students with Disabilities. The series highlighted the importance of all students having access to effective Tier 1 core instruction and school leaders facilitating the implementation of effective inclusionary practices. The goal of this workshop was to contribute to improving Washington’s statewide LRE data, graduation rates, ELA / Math proficiency growth as well as school quality and student success indicators for students with disabilities.
We proudly partnered with Dr. Jeanine Butler, current leadership and school Improvement consultant, former secondary school principal and Assistant Superintendent of Learning & Teaching. We were glad to support school leaders through this series to grow their data skill set and leadership intentionality around Inclusionary Best practices that will get better results and life chances for students with disabilities who are involved in each leader’s system.
The Data Literate Inclusionary Leader
Workshop 1: Plan Workshop 2: Implement Workshop 3: Assess & Reflect
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Association of Washington School Principals
Washington Principal | Volume 3 – 2020-21