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Association of Washington School Principals
Washington Principal | Volume 2– 2021-22
Small Schools Project
Share your unique perspective as a leader of a small school
Roz Thompson
Government Relations and Advocacy Director, AWSP
Evaluation Criteria: Planning with Data, Managing Resources
“Do You Know About…Small Schools?” is a new project launched collaboratively by AWSP, WASA, and WSSDA. Our goal is to collect information from small school districts in Washington with unique perspectives and circumstances. There are great success stories out there as well as differing needs within various districts. We want to know both.
More Than a Number Statistical information about student performance and financial information about our schools only tell part of the story. Our ability to know more about the students, staff, innovations, and collaborations depends on you sharing your stories so that we can elevate a deeper, more meaningful look at the value our schools offer students, staff, families, and communities.
Successes and Challenges If you have a special success story about an innovative program, project, or activity that you want to share with others, let us know! If there are materials you would like included (e.g., documents, photos, video), please send those to us via email. If there are unique needs or challenges faced in your small school or district related to programs, projects, or activities, we would like to know more. You can submit this form multiple times.
Share with Care Please do not submit personally identifiable student information and do obtain FERPA compliant permissions for any photo or video with students present. These stories will be collected and can be made accessible, electronically, for you to share with others. As a result of your collective responses, the government relations staff in each of our associations will have more information about the experiences and needs of our small schools and can use this information in their advocacy efforts. In the survey, we ask for your permission to share specific stories, to share only anonymously, or not to share the information with others.
Questions? For questions, or to submit additional materials, please contact Roz Thompson at AWSP, Dan Steele at WASA, or Marissa Rathbone at WSSDA.