Meet Dameon Brown
What do parachutes, turntables, and professional learning for school leaders have in common? Meet AWSP's new Professional Learning Services Specialist Dameon Brown. Dameon joined the AWSP team in January 2022. (We introduced him briefly in an issue of Principal Matters!) Dameon is a 22-year retired Army First Sergeant. Unflappable and wise, Dameon has seen it all and done it all. His resume includes paratrooping from planes and turning tables as a DJ, among many other things.
Having been a coach and mentor with children for over 20 years, Dameon has a passion for creating more equitable systems for each and every student. He continues to provide support for teens in his spare time. Dameon is excited about his new connection with school leaders and the opportunity to help make positive changes in the education system.
At AWSP, Dameon coordinates and supports: professional learning events; the state-funded Principal Intern Program; Leadership Coaching and Mentoring Services; all programs through Path LMS and Fonteva management systems; and serves as liaison between AWSP and our members.
He has also already started writing blog posts for us! Check out his latest post, “New Job, New Perspectives” where he describes his observations in his first month of working with us. (Side note - if you don't want to miss any of our blog posts, subscribe to our blog.)
He may no longer jump out of military planes, but he's here to jump to the aid of school leaders like you. We can't wait for you to meet him at one of our upcoming professional learning events.◼
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Association of Washington School Principals
Washington Principal | Volume 2– 2021-22